KAASINO is a fresh online platform offering exciting games like Plinko, along with a wide selection of slots, table games, and live dealer experiences. With a mobile-first layout and support for cryptocurrency deposits, KAASINO is perfect for players looking for modern solutions and rewarding bonuses.
Launched in 2024, KAASINO has quickly gained popularity due to its large game selection and generous promotions. Licensed in Costa Rica, the casino guarantees a safe and fair gaming experience, making it an ideal choice for online gambling enthusiasts.
- Positives ofKAASINO
- Negatives
- Game Selection atKAASINO
- Popular game categories:
- Bonuses and Promotions for Plinko Players
- Welcome Bonus: Double Your Chances of Winning in Plinko
- Weekly Free Spins on Tuesdays
- Loyalty Program and Daily Cashback
- Loyalty Statuses and Cashback Rates:
- Deposit and Withdrawal Methods
- Customer Support
- Mobile Experience: Play Plinko Anywhere
- Safety and Licensing
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Positives of KAASINO
- Over 5,000+ games, including slots, table games, and the exciting Plinko game.
- Crypto-friendly: Easily deposit and withdraw in 10 popular cryptocurrencies.
- Generous welcome bonus: 100% on your first deposit and 300 free spins.
- ComPoint’s Loyalty Program: Exclusive rewards and daily cashback up to 20%.
- Mobile-optimized: Play Plinko and other games on any device without needing to download apps.
- 24/7 customer support via live chat and email.
- Limited withdrawal methods in some regions.
- Single-currency account in Euros only.
- No Sportsbook available.
Game Selection at KAASINO
KAASINO offers a wide range of games from more than 80 providers, with a special focus on Plinko — one of the most exciting and simple games. Players can enjoy the thrill of dropping balls as they bounce off pegs and land in slots with different payout multipliers.
Popular game categories:
- Slots: From classic fruit machines to modern video slots with bonus features.
- Table games: Play blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker variants.
- Live dealer games: Experience real-time streaming games like roulette and blackjack with live dealers.
- Jackpot games: Progressive jackpots for those chasing big wins.
- Crash and Bonus Buy: For players seeking fast-paced games and thrilling results.
Bonuses and Promotions for Plinko Players
KAASINO offers excellent bonuses for both new and returning players, and they are particularly beneficial for Plinko fans. These bonuses significantly increase your chances of winning and make the game even more engaging.
Welcome Bonus: Double Your Chances of Winning in Plinko
New players are welcomed with a 100% bonus up to €1,000 on their first deposit and 300 free spins. This is the perfect way to get started with Plinko and other games, doubling your starting balance.
- How the bonus works:
- Deposit €30, get €30 extra: Double your balance for more drops in Plinko.
- 300 free spins: Spread over 10 days, 30 spins per day on selected slots.
Weekly Free Spins on Tuesdays
Every Tuesday, players can claim free spins by making a minimum deposit and using the promo code TUEFS.
- 20 Free Spins: Minimum deposit €20.
- 50 Free Spins: Minimum deposit €40.
Loyalty Program and Daily Cashback
KAASINO values its loyal players by offering an exclusive ComPoint Loyalty Program. For every bet, players earn points (CP), which can be exchanged for bonus money, while climbing the loyalty tiers to unlock even more perks.
Daily cashback is another fantastic feature that allows you to get back up to 20% of your losses, making it especially useful for players who love to engage with Plinko.
- How cashback works:
- Minimum daily loss: €30.
- Minimum daily deposit: €30 (except for Fresh status, where the minimum deposit is €100).
Loyalty Statuses and Cashback Rates:
- Fresh (<200 CP): 10% cashback, minimum deposit €100.
- Mild (>200 CP): 11-12% cashback, depending on your deposit.
- Spicy (>1,500 CP): 13-14% cashback.
- Strong (>7,000 CP): 15-16% cashback.
- Vintage (>20,000 CP): 17-18% cashback.
- Prime (>50,000 CP): Up to 20% cashback for high deposits.
Deposit and Withdrawal Methods
KAASINO supports a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including cryptocurrencies. All deposits are processed instantly, and cryptocurrency withdrawals are faster than traditional methods.
- Accepted Payment Methods:
- Visa, Mastercard (Minimum deposit €50).
- Instant Transfers: NODA and Mandato (Minimum deposit €20).
- Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more via CoinsPaid.
All cryptocurrency transactions are free of conversion fees, making KAASINO highly convenient for players who prefer digital assets.
Customer Support
KAASINO offers 24/7 customer support through the following channels:
- Live chat: Available around the clock for immediate assistance.
- Email: Responses typically within a few hours.
There is also a comprehensive FAQ section available for quick answers to common questions.
Mobile Experience: Play Plinko Anywhere
The KAASINO platform is built on a Mobile-First framework, ensuring that the site is optimized for all mobile devices. Players can enjoy Plinko and other games on the go without needing to download any additional apps.
Safety and Licensing
KAASINO is licensed in Costa Rica and employs the latest encryption technologies to protect players’ data and transactions. This ensures fair play and security, allowing you to enjoy Plinko with peace of mind.